The Troop will be holding a Family Information Night next Monday October 3 @ 7:30. (During the weekly scout meeting)
Troop Leaders and Committee members will provide information on this year’s scout program including:
- Annual camping schedule / weekend details
- Fundraising goals
- Opportunities to help the Troop
- Information on open committee positions
- Answer any questions or concerns you may have
Open Committee Positions
Please let the Committee Chairperson know if you are interested or would like additional information.
Recruitment: The Troop is always hoping to increase membership, which not only helps the troop but also brings in additional families that can potentially help with scout leadership or committee positions. This position develops a plan for year-round membership flow into the troop, works closely with Cubmasters from neighboring Cub Scouts, and helps plan and coordinate troop open houses.
Advancement: We will be in need of a new Advancement Chairman beginning 2023. This position encourages Scouts to advance in rank, maintain all Scout advancement records, and arrange troop boards of review. The current Advancement Chair, will assist you in getting up to speed on using the many programs to track the scouts’ advancements.