Believe it or not, but summer camp is right around the corner. Below is information on fees. In order for the troop to reserve our spot, we are asking a deposit of $125 to be turned in by April 10th. This deposit is required regardless if you choose the early bird option or not. The troop must pay in full by April 10th in order to obtain our early bird discount.
Early Bird: $535.00 | After April 15th: $615.00
Above prices include a $40.00 troop fee to cover T-shirt, Tuesday night snack, Thursday night pizza, and troop picture.
Adults – $275.00 per adult camper for each 8 scouts. Additional adults $330.00
The committee is confirming if there will be a sibling discount offered this year.
The balance of the scout’s payments are due by July 10th which is also the deadline for physicals to be handed in.
Physicals MUST BE ON THE SCOUT PHYSICAL FORM ONLY and must be filled out COMPLETELY. “SEE ATTACHMENT” is not acceptable for items such as immunizations, they must be filled out on the form. We will also need a copy of the health insurance card (front & back).