It is time to celebrate our scouts with our scouting family; please join our celebration and dinner on Monday, May 23rd at 7PM. We are returning to the traditional banquet format for Troop 14 and are asking for all attending families to contribute to our meal. Troop 14 will be providing ice cream and toppings for dessert.

  • Families with last names A-McA: please bring a main dish to share.
    Serving utensils are greatly appreciated.
  • Families with last names McB-Z: please bring a side dish to share.
    Serving utensils are greatly appreciated.
  • ALL families should bring their own drinks – no alcohol permitted.

Your prompt RSVP is appreciated for planning purposes. In addition, we are looking for an adult or two to help with serving and scooping ice cream.

Please RSVP using the following link: