Yesterday the Troop got word from the United Methodist Church that they will be revising their masking policy. Beginning Thursday, March 3rd masking will be optional in the church building. WCASD adopted a similar policy on Monday.
Beginning today, the troop will also adopt the mask optional policy at our meetings and events.Again following the Church guidance, we are asking anyone attending an indoor Troop 14 event to bring a mask in case the need for it arises. Our leaders will also have masks at the ready should a scout (or a family member) prefer to have an interaction with a mask on.
While this is welcome news for most of us, we should be respectful of individuals who make different choices than our own.
The church has also indicated that the mask requirement may be reinstated if the county COVID numbers warrant a change.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out the Committee Chair or Troop Master.