Frequently Asked Questions


Troop 14 is a boy-led troop, meaning the boys make the decision with guidance from the scout leaders. It is also one of the oldest troops in the area with a 100 year rich history.

We are a welcoming troop of a wide array of interests. Boys from different schools and background form lasting friendships.

Yes, it is very easy to switch. All your achievements and Merit Badges are in Scout book and will transfer with the scout.

Our troop started out in 1918 as Troop 7 with nine boys. Due to a naming conflict the troop was rechartered as Troop 14 on March 25th, 1919.

Read more about the history here.

Yes, Troop 14 has a bus that takes scouts to and from our monthly camping trips, including our annual trip to Camp Horseshoe. We typically meet Fridays at 7:00pm and drop the scouts back off in the same space on Sundays at noon.

Any boy can join Troop 14 if they have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old, OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, OR are age 11 but have not reached age 18.

Scouts in Troop 14 meet on most Mondays from early September until the end of July, then take a summer break right after the weeklong summer camp. The Monday following a camping trip only Patrol Leaders meet.

While a scout can remain a member of the troop, missing the majority of weekend camping and the summer camp makes it harder for the scout to earn his advancements. Several merit badges are earned during summer camp and the monthly camping trips help with rank advancement. Scouts can work on and earn these rank advancements on their own, but the camaraderie of the group adds to the fun.

For the most part we can accommodate any dietary restriction your son may have. The best advice would be to discuss the specifics with the Scoutmaster for a more in depth answer.

Camping trips in the past have included whitewater rafting, kayaking, skiing, axe throwing, hiking, biking and inter-patrol games. We try not to repeat the same outings every year to offer a wide range of activities. Check out the Calendar for more information.

Yes. In years past Troop 14 have had scouts attend the Florida Sea Base, National Jamboree, Philmont Scout Ranch, as well as many Troop led High Adventure trips. For an example: We have hiked nearly half of the Appalachian Trail.

Each Scout will need a uniform and a handbook. Activities such as camping trips or field days may require additional supplies (sleeping bag, backpack), but Troop 14 provides the necessities, such as tents, stoves and food storage boxes.

Uniforms, the handbook and Scouting merchandise are available at or at one of the following locations:

Program Activity Resource Campus (PARC)
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
(610) 696-2900

Valley Forge Scout Shop
1485 Valley Forge Road, Wayne, PA 19087
(610) 989-9626

This changes from year to year as opportunities arise. We currently do not have any one service project that the troop participates in yearly.

This is a boy led troop and while parents can attend they are not as actively involved as with Cub Scouts, but rather observe in an unobtrusive manner.

However, parents are encouraged to get certified and join the scouts on a camping trip on occasion. There are also several committee positions which are filled by parents in support of the troop.

Want to help out? Send an email to or talk to on of the Scoutmasters during our regular meetings.

Yes, please let the Scoutmaster or members of the unit committee know and we can discuss ways in which you can contribute. Send an email to or talk to one of the Scoutmasters during our regular meetings.

Also see “May parents attend meetings?”

The Order of the Arrow (OA) recognizes Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. These scouts maintain camping traditions and spirit, participate and promote year-round and long term camping, and provide service to others.

Troop 14 has one major fundraiser – the selling of Christmas wreaths and sprays in early November for delivery shortly after Thanksgiving.  This helps scouts with payment of dues and supplementing camping trips for the troop.

In addition to the main fundraiser, scouts also have the option to participate in a flower seed and bulb sale that helps raise funds for scout accounts and can be used for camping trip dues.

Monthly camping trips usually cost $50 with the troop substituting the actual cost to ensure all scouts can participate regardless of cost. This is partially thanks to fundraising efforts and volunteer activities the troop participates in.

Also see “Do scouts have to fundraise?”

Have more scouting questions not specific to Troop 14? Check out the Boy Scouts of America FAQ page.