Happy fall to all our Troop 14 scouts and families!
It is time to celebrate our scouts with our scouting family; please join our celebration and dinner.
Monday, November 7 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM ET
The United Methodist Church of West Chester – Fiesta Room
129 S. High StreetWest Chester, PA 19382
Troop 14 will be providing pizza and we ask all attending families to contribute to the meal.
- Families with last names A-McC: please bring a side dish to share. Serving utensils are greatly appreciated.
- Families with last names McD-Z: please bring a dessert to share. Serving utensils are greatly appreciated.
- ALL families should bring their own drinks (no alcohol permitted).
Your prompt RSVP (using this link) is appreciated for planning purposes. We look forward to seeing everyone!
(NOTE that Banquets begin earlier than our regular Monday meetings!)