Join Troop 14

in West Chester, PA

Any boy can join Troop 14 if they have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old, OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, OR are age 11 but have not reached age 18.

Interested in visiting Troop 14 to better get a feel of how the troop is organized?
Please contact us at to schedule a visit or join us on an outing.

Have already visited the troop and are ready to join?
Fill out the form below or contact us at

Youth Application
Complete this form to join Troop 14 in West Chester, PA

Medical Form for Camp
To be filled out annually before camp. Questions about the Medical form? Check here.

Activity Consent Form
For the consent to participate in a trip, expedition, or activity with the troop.

Interested in joining Troop 14 as an adult leader, committee member or volunteer?
Anyone 18 years and older who wishes to become an Adult Volunteer must fill out an application and obtain 3 background checks (FBI clearance, ChildLine and PA State Police). See resources here

Please contact us at or reach out to one of the Scoutmasters at one of our meetings.